Ilha do Guajirú - Weather/Tide
The wind and wheater forcast of Ilha do Guajirú you can finde here. The location of the wheater station is unknown and the forcast always to less.
A better way is to check the wind forecast of Cumbuco and add 4-5 knots.
The lagoon is a salt water lagoon what means the lagoon size varies depends on the tide. Totally low tide means that the lagoon has almost the same lenght but just the half of the wide. In front of Praia da Barra (main spot) a sand bank splits the lagoon in 2 parts. This sand bank is normally visible 1,5 hours before and 1,5 hours after the low tide. But even with low tide the kiteable part of the lagoon is bigger than the Cauipi lagoon in Cumbuco.
Also watch the moon phases. Around full moon and new moon the lagoon is much bigger at high tide and much smaller at low tide.
The 2021 tide table you can get here.